For 35 years, Lone Wolf Technologies has been proud to be part of the fabric of real estate in North America. We have experienced the highs and lows of the industry with you. We have celebrated your successes and helped you respond to your challenges. But we’ve never seen a year like 2023.

The last year was one of moments.

Throughout the year, there was no shortage of shifts, of adjustments, and of finding ways to keep up with an unpredictable market. We’ve seen no shortage of headlines discussing those shifts, predicting the outcomes of major shake-ups and assessing the dwindling consumer interest. Experts weighed in, opining in often-contradictory narratives on what the future of real estate will look like.

"We’ve seen a lot of growth and innovation happen throughout real estate, and that momentum is going to carry real estate professionals to new heights this year."

It’s been difficult for real estate professionals to have to deal with so many viewpoints at every level, and no doubt left many feeling uncertain about what the future would hold.

“The last few years have demanded a new level of resourcefulness and resilience from the industry as a whole, from the agents who guide uncertain consumers to the brokerages and organizations that strive to support them,” said Jimmy Kelly, CEO of Lone Wolf. “In that demand, we’ve seen a lot of growth and innovation happen throughout real estate, and that momentum is going to carry real estate professionals to new heights this year.”

What does the future hold?

"At Lone Wolf, we’ve been heavily focused on the next evolution of the real estate industry, and on considering the real estate experience as it applies to everyone involved," said Kelly. "As we look ahead, though, it isn’t enough anymore to consider the experience as it is—we need to think about what it could be.

"We can no longer adopt a passive approach and let market conditions and outside circumstances define what the experience looks like; we need to think about how to help real estate professionals capitalize on those conditions and circumstances to amaze their clients."

Celebrating 35 years, Lone Wolf Technologies anniversary emblem logo

So much has changed since we started in 1989, but a singular vision has carried us through the decades: A vision of a comprehensive, end-to-end platform for real estate professionals.

Now, just as then, we’re looking toward the future, anticipating the changes to come and leading the charge into the next era of real estate. Our vision is coming to life this year through Lone Wolf Foundation, a unique platform designed to work the way its users do—and to bring together all the software that real estate professionals need and use in one convenient, easy-to-access location.

Because real estate needs better—not more.

Through Lone Wolf Foundation, real estate software will have a unique opportunity to work together. The solutions the people of real estate need to:

  • Attract and nurture new clients, whether it’s through advertising and lead generation, digital marketing, CMAs and CRMs, or a combination
  • Manage and complete deals by keeping them on track and making sure things flow even if a deal falls through
  • Close and process deals with the software that’s already proven to be the gold standard
  • Manage their entire workflow in a secure, mobile, and modular system built on the most modern technology real estate has

all of which exist today and already work to transform every stage of a real estate deal—will all come together in a one-of-a-kind platform, so the people who rely on these solutions for everything they do have a better, simpler way to work between pieces of software and across the multitude of steps involved in a real estate deal to build their businesses.

Lone Wolf Foundation screen on a laptop while hands type on a keyboard

Now is the time to build.

Through all the moments and all the change, we’ve seen a lot of talk throughout real estate. But contemplation isn’t what the industry needs—it needs action.

"Now is the time to focus on what we can control, and on using the momentum from last year’s successes to take the next step.”

"Real estate has seen a lot of major change over the last 12 months, and that can create hesitation in even the most confident of real estate professionals. But even without perfect conditions, action gets results, and that’s something for all of us to focus on as we move forward," said Sean Wheeler, CTO at Lone Wolf. "Now is the time to focus on what we can control, and on using the momentum from last year’s successes to take the next step.”

In every sense of the phrase, it’s clear that now is the time—the time to come together, the time to focus on what’s next for every walk of real estate life, the time to prove your value and your impact to the people who need to see it most.

Now is the time to take everything that matters—your business, your moments, your visions—and get to building.

So let’s get to building together.