Researching and updating utilities

Here’s a fun fact for you: Much like typical peak selling season, June through August is peak moving season, too—with some moving companies estimating that some 80% of all moves in the U.S. happen in those months.

So today, we’re introducing a new partner to Marketplace with a focus on helping your clients move before the new school year starts up!


Utility Concierge for Transactions (TransactionDesk Edition)

This integration is launching today for our Transactions (TransactionDesk Edition) users.

Utility Concierge helps agents and brokers give clients a way to update moving essentials without having to research and call around. It gives clients a personal moving concierge to plan out and coordinate services like utilities, phone services, Internet service, home security, smart home automation and more.

Why we picked it: Moving is stressful enough, especially these days. With a little help finding essential services in their new home’s location, clients can save a lot of time—and agents can leave them with a great impression after the fact.