As a real estate professional, you know things change and evolve. Over the last decade, home buying and selling technology have raced ahead and you need to catch up. Emails have overtaken flyers, advertising has overtaken word of mouth and much more. Social media is one such area where you need to up your game. The buyer market is filled with millennials and they are incredibly active on social media. In one of our previous blogs we spoke about using social media the right way, and 9 best practices to make sure you are getting the most out of your social media efforts.
Mark Spain, published a blog where he highlights some great tips on using social media to sell homes.
In our digital society, social media is a powerful marketing strategy used to sell your house. Social platforms are useful for more than just connecting with friends and posting cat videos. If used to it’s full potential, social media can widely increase your home’s exposure and positive traffic to your property at an exponentially higher rate than more traditional methods. So, when it comes to selling your house, social media is your best friend! Here’s everything you need to know about using social media platforms for your best home-selling strategy.
You can read the full article here. The key benefits of using social media are that it’s quick, free and you have all the control. You have the freedom to interact and develop relationships with clients. It’s easy and inexpensive, so go ahead and use it to its complete potential. Happy selling!