Some say that the earliest recorded history of the real estate industry was found in cave drawings from thousands of years ago that depicted the commercial exchange of property (nobody’s really sure who paid the buyer’s commission, though!). Fast-forward to the 1800s when real estate transactions and mortgage lending started taking shape around the world … and finally made its way to the U.S. and Canada when real estate agents would meet and share with each other info about the properties they were trying to sell … and the very beginnings of the MLS took shape.
Through this rich history, one common theme always remained: the human connection. The relationship between broker and agent, or agent and client developed over time. Agents were a key piece in sharing community intel and helping clients understand the mounds of paperwork and real estate regulations.
Today, so much of that info is available with a few clicks online and transactions happen faster than before—creating challenges to the traditional agent and client bond. The good news is that in today’s world of cool tech gadgets, AI (artificial intelligence), virtual reality, and 5G—the human connection is still just as important.
Here are just a few reasons we think that technology and human connection need each other to work in real estate today.
Easier client nurture
Whether a home buyer needs advice or extra help during a stressful transaction, the personal touch of an agent is still needed, and strategically incorporated tech tools enhance this relationship experience. With on-the-go solutions at your agents’ fingertips, they can log notes and preferences on every lead so they can provide a more personalized experience and better showcase their expertise.
Intelligent CRM software gives brokerages the tools to automatically engage and nurture relationships by consolidating communication channels and AI-enabled lead follow-up into one smart system. Other smart tech tools like Spacio help agents focus on open house guests and their questions and less time trying to chase down visitor contact information. Plus, contact details gathered with Spacio are automatically added into agents’ CRMs for easy follow-up phone calls and personal emails.
There is a litany of great client communication tools on the market, including modern MLS mobile apps with features tailored for easy and real-time text messaging between clients and their agents to keep the lines of communication open from listing to closing.
Boosted efficiency with automation
Technology has also helped agents and brokerages keep up with the pace of transactions, especially when there are several happening at once. Paperwork and file folders are still here, but overall, there's a lot less of them. The hassle of tracking down someone for a pen-and-paper signature is now nearly non-existent with tools like eSignature. Almost every part of a transaction can be completed very quickly, on the go, and in real time.&
With automated back office or transactions tools, agents can say goodbye to tedious tasks. These automated tools mean that brokerages and agents can focus on what they do best—nurture relationships, work more personally with clients and each other, and close more deals faster. You don’t have to do the nitty-gritty drudge work in between—technology does it for you! Automated tools also guarantee agents will stay top of mind with their clients, while brokerages achieve 100% adoption.
Smart, targeted digital marketing
Remember the good old days of direct mail postcards to find new leads (and that actually worked)? While that hasn’t completely disappeared, there are efficient digital marketing tools that still offer you the same type of human connection experience.
Digital ads, like those from Boost, give you the opportunity to capture contact info of leads as they surf the web. Plus, Boost optimizes your ad to reach the people who are most likely to interact with it based on their previous online clicks and behaviors. Their ad clicks go to a personalized-by-you landing page designed for qualified lead capture. Then that info can be automatically integrated into your CRM for easy follow-up with emails, phone calls, and more. You can’t do that with a postcard!
At its core, real estate is about relationships—people helping other people buy and sell homes. Technology is not taking over; it’s a complement to human connection. From CRM, eSignature, and transactions to back office and accounting, real estate technology makes it easier for agents and brokers to generate even more leads, close deals, forecast sales, and more—faster, simpler, and actually more connected than ever before.