This post is part two of four in a series on our real estate checklist. Find part one and part three for more.
Have you noticed? The snow is melting, and the sun is rising earlier than usual. The birds are back for spring and so are we. To be more specific, we’re here with the top tips your brokerage can take to prepare for the upcoming busy season this year.
Now that the market will start warming up, buyers and sellers will come out of hibernation to see what opportunities they can find. Listings are about to pop up. Well, you know the drill. Let’s talk about the most important checkpoints of this bustling season.
Recap: What is Lone Wolf’s real estate checklist?
To prepare for 2024 and beyond, we’ve created a handy checklist with the big-ticket items that brokers and agents should be aware of every quarter to make sure your workflow stays smooth and your agents’ listings open and close in a timely manner.
As industry professionals know, the second quarter is all about busy season: real estate’s peak time of year for transactions. As your brokerage and agents go up against competitors to win and close the most deals, it’s important to stay prepared with a couple of key themes.
Getting your ducks in order
This is the time to finish what you have to do to get to what you want to do: operating at your best without a hitch as the market starts to bloom.
During the second quarter, this means concrete tasks like filing your taxes as well as more compassionate ones, like taking the time to brainstorm ways that your agents can offer the best services possible to their clients. After all, investing in a positive client experience now has the potential to create a significant return in the form of referrals or repeat business.
Looking at the bigger picture
We’ve discussed the little things. Now, on the other hand, there’s the bigger picture to think about. This quarter is all about performance. It’s the payoff of your efforts to prepare since late last year and all throughout the first quarter. It would make sense to feel some nerves in the air. After all, there’s a lot riding on the busy season and it’s easy to feel like everything’s about to happen all at once.
To help calm that chaos, it helps to zoom out and see the bigger picture—of both your agents’ performances and of your brokerage differentiators. This is where data analytics programs like BrokerMetrics can be useful. Keep a watchful eye on how your market is doing and you’ll know exactly where to go from there.
An exciting season lies ahead.
From little details to the bigger picture and all the thought that goes into both, it can feel overwhelming to remember. But taking the time to address these checkpoints is a way of taking care of your business. Besides, the preparation you do now is sure to save some headaches down the road.
And besides all that, busy season is perhaps the most exciting time of the year! We’ve got your back. Now, let’s get going.

A YEAR IN REVIEW: Q2 A YEAR IN REVIEW (Full annual checklist)